Handy little tool to select individual rotation axis handle quicker. Good also for when manipulator gets in the way of select correct axis, and when in gimbal lock.
Its a short one, so just quicker to copy and paste :)
Here's the code
import maya.cmds as cmds from functools import partial def rotateContext(axis, *args): cmds.manipRotateContext( 'Rotate', e=True, ah=axis) if cmds.window("rotateContextUI", exists=True): cmds.deleteUI("rotateContextUI") win = cmds.window("rotateContextUI", title="Rotate Axis UI", w=150, sizeable=False) cmds.rowColumnLayout(nc=3, columnAttach=[(1,"both", 2), (3, "both", 2)]) cmds.button("X", w=30, bgc=[1,0,0], c=partial(rotateContext, 0)) cmds.button("Y", w=30, bgc=[0,1,0], c=partial(rotateContext, 1)) cmds.button("Z", w=30, bgc=[0,0,1], c=partial(rotateContext, 2)) cmds.showWindow(win)
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